Dear reader of this forum,
A few weeks ago I bougth a boat in Amsterdam. After some research and with help from Det Norske Veritas, is the conclusion that I bougth a Fjord 19 Wing. The previous owner has "repaired" the boat, but not on a good constructive way. The result is a complete destroyed backside of the boat. (the complete area where the outboard is located) Also the interior of the boat is not original. I want to rebuild the boat and bring it back in the original state, as the boat was build in 1970 when the boat was constructed bij Fjord Plast AS, Arendal, Norway. Thats why I search pictures / pfoto's from the back and interior of the Fjord 19 Wing, so I can use these as examples. Special I,m looking for pictures of the back of the boat for an outboard-engine. My question is: Who has pictures / pfoto's for me and want to mail this to me? ( or Beforhand I want to thank those who help me.
Greetings from Hans Folkers (Netherlands)
Ask for information about Fjord 19 Wing
Moderator: Lars Lundbladh